
LED Flare with PIC16F628A Microcontroller

PIC16F628A is 18-pin Flash-Based, 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller with nanoWatt Technology.this is my first pic project. here is the pin connection for pic16f628a.
schematic for LED Flare,

the programmer witch i used here is PICKIT2
  • USB programmer, no serial port is required
  • Program PIC without removing it from circuit board
  • No external power is required
  • Programming Indicators
  • Works with all most all of PICs
  • Supports EEPROM programming
  • Firmware self update
  • Free firmware updates available
  • Microchip PICKIT 2 and MPLAB compatible
  • PICKIT 2 based design
  • Auto power source detection
  • Automatic programming
HEX file for the pic , you can download from here.

after everything done its looks like this

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