
LED banner technology

hi everyone,
today i'm going to tell you  about LED banner. its very popular now in here in sri lanka. its not difficult to create. in this banner i used two LED panel and S1 control circuit.and also 5V SMPS power supply unit.this S1 unit, it can connect to computer through serial port. and the software which i used here called 'powerled' it totally free of charge and u can get it with the S1 unit.

after connecting panels to S1 board, connect power to the system. then connect S1 unit to the computer serial port and run powerled software.after starting the software it will detect your panel. u can have user manual also for this software and it will gide you to connect all this things and how to operate the software.  


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  2. Dear Shantha,


    I am also interested in this.Please let me know where can I buy S1 boards? Please mail details to
