today i'm going to tell you about LED banner. its very popular now in here in sri lanka. its not difficult to create. in this banner i used two LED panel and S1 control circuit.and also 5V SMPS power supply unit.this S1 unit, it can connect to computer through serial port. and the software which i used here called 'powerled' it totally free of charge and u can get it with the S1 unit.
yoke coil removing new style
few days ago i got this TV for repair. but unfortunately it was fell down by it self in customer home ant CRT neck is broken . see this video billow.
FM radio frequency reallocation's
According to information being received from TRC the radio frequency reallocation
taking place on Nov 1st 2012. It will stop disturbances occurring between
radio stations. Stations that have more than five frequencies now may get
two frequencies & less than five may get one
frequency which will have island wide coverage.
STK4231 II 200W power amplifier with USB & FM
This is another great power amplifier that designed by using STK4231 II. You can get superb audio quality and unmatched more power
in this power amplifier and it delivers 200W Rms through a two 8Ω speaker.In here what i have don is i add USB mp3 player in this same amplifier.its working properly and my costumer also like this.
here is some pic..
here is some pic..
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main power amp pcb |
Pioneer KEH-P2035 with USB mp3 player circuit
hey this is really not new idea but hope it will help some one.
as we know Pioneer KEH-P2035 car set is very popular car audio system. it has very good sound out and its four way. but now time has changed. most people they don't want to listen audio tape coz they have USB pen reader and they got hundreds of mp3's to listen.
what about our Pioneer KEH-P2035 owner's, do they want to throw there set and install a new USB mp3 player. oh its expensive as well so i will give one idea.
look at this.

MOSFET 45Wx4 Multi-CD control Cassette/Receiver with Bass/Treble Booster
- BTB (Bass/Treble Booster)
- 2-mode selectable loudness
- RCA preout: rear
- Radio intercept
as we know Pioneer KEH-P2035 car set is very popular car audio system. it has very good sound out and its four way. but now time has changed. most people they don't want to listen audio tape coz they have USB pen reader and they got hundreds of mp3's to listen.
what about our Pioneer KEH-P2035 owner's, do they want to throw there set and install a new USB mp3 player. oh its expensive as well so i will give one idea.
look at this.

These two circuits make a LED fade on and off. The first circuit charges a 100u and the transistor amplifies the current entering the 100u and delivers 100 times this value to the LED via the collector-emitter pins. The circuit needs 9v for operation since pin 2 of the 555 detects 2/3Vcc before changing the state of the output so we only have a maximum of 5.5v via a 220R resistor to illuminate the LED. The second circuit requires a very high value electrolytic to produce the same effect.
LM3909 LED flasher
The LM3909 is an integrated circuit (IC) which will flash a light-emitting diode (LED). Using only two extra components and a battery, the circuit is cheap and has a very low current drain from a 1.5 V cell. The circuit can be used as a novelty flasher, an indicator for a dummy alarm bell box, or it could be attached to a torch so that it could be found easily in the dark!
As we all know, USB port can deliver 500mA Approximately. but sometimes we might need more than 500 mA for our external devices. in this case we don't have any solution rather than by a USB hubs that have an external power supply. but in here i will give you good solution for our technical people. this simple idea can help you,
System Requirements for the SONY NSR
The hardware required in order to use this recorder are as follows.
• Sony Network cameras
Contact your dealer for details about compatible Sony network cameras.
• Monitor
• USB keyboard
• USB mouse
• USB remote controller
• Network switch
• 1000Base-T/100Base-TX/10Base-T cable
• USB memory device
Network Surveillance Server
today im going to tell you about NSR.
NSR is the device from SONY which made for the CCTV IP solution.

How to find and protect you'r product key
today i am here with another cool software. we all know if any crash with our PC's we have to format our in case if u format the computer then what happen to your software. (i am taking about original software its not about pirate copy's). can you re install all. Ya you can but how you will register it still you have key for that all. i don't think so. here the best way to take your product keys. after you get the key you can protect them and re use.
Time to move to IP BUT....?
Ya its time to move, but we all know if we need to change our existing analog CCTV system to IP system we have to change the cameras, end devices and all cables also. but if we can use existing coaxial cabling system with the IP cameras it can save our money and time. for that SONY have solution, check this out.
IPELA HYBRID Sony’s IP and Analog-over-Coax Technology Offers Cost-effective and Environmentally friendly Retrofit Solutions for Existing Analog CCTV Systems.
Axiom V RC-2 (Reader Controller) Silkscreen Legend
today i am here with Axiom V RC-2 (Reader Controller)
Connection Details.....
The RC-2 has two sides labeled A and B.
References to A and B below refer to side A and B of the RC-2.
Output 1 A/B (Terminals 1, 2, 3)
SPDT dry contact relay, 2A@30V
Output 2 A/B (Terminals 4, 5, 6)
SPDT dry contact relay, 2A@30V
Output 3 A/B (Terminal 7)
Open collector to ground, sinks 100ma@12vdc. Use for switching light loads such as relays or piezo buzzers.
Connection Details.....
The RC-2 has two sides labeled A and B.
References to A and B below refer to side A and B of the RC-2.
Output 1 A/B (Terminals 1, 2, 3)
SPDT dry contact relay, 2A@30V
Output 2 A/B (Terminals 4, 5, 6)
SPDT dry contact relay, 2A@30V
Output 3 A/B (Terminal 7)
Open collector to ground, sinks 100ma@12vdc. Use for switching light loads such as relays or piezo buzzers.
Checking the validity of recipient's e-mails addresses...!
today i'm here with another cool software. sometimes we all send emails for many recipient's.but did you ever think that email has received by them coz you know most of the email id's with you is not in use or revoke by there owners. how about if you can check the validity of recipient's e-mails addresses.
How to Manage Surveillance Video
Video management software (VMS) allows you to record and view live video from multiple surveillance cameras - either IP-based or analogue cameras with an encoder - monitor alarms, control cameras and retrieve recordings from an archive.Because they are IP-based, VMS systems are more expandable and flexible than DVR-based systems, and employees can control the software from anywhere on the network.
AxiomV Security Systems
My new experience with RBH AxiomV Security System.
AxiomV combines access control, building management, and security monitoring in a highly integrated and expandable system. AxiomV runs on a standard IBM compatible PC using Windows 2000, XP, or 2003 Server and is designed for use in installations ranging from simple two door systems to complex systems covering multiple sites and containing thousands of card readers and tens of thousands of card holders.

Microphone Amplifier Module
This circuit based on a very simple single transistor amplifier which can use with any power amplifier. very low noise, 45dB stage gain. Input impedance: 2700 Ohm.
R1______________1M2 1/4W Resistor
R2______________5K6 1/4W Resistor
R3______________1K 1/4W Resistor
C1,C3___________4µ7 63V Electrolytic Capacitors
C2____________100µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
Q1____________BC550C 45V 100mA Low noise High gain NPN
When the circuit power is turned on, C1 capacitor charges via the two 470k resistors. When the switch is pressed, the voltage on C1 is passed to directly Q3 to turn it on. This turns on Q1 and the voltage developed across R7 will keep Q1 transistor turned on when the button is released. Q2 is also turned on during this time and it
Important for Electronics in World History
Inventions In Electronics
1895 : H. A. Lorentz - Postulated existence of Electrons.
1897: J.J. Thomson - Proved the same
1904: Fleming - Vacuum Diode
1906: De. Forest - Triode
1920: Radio Broadcasting in USA
1930: Black and White TV USA
1947: Shockley invented the junction transistor. (BJT)
1947: Schokley BJT Invention
1950: Colour Television
EEprom IC’s
EEPROM (also written E2PROM and pronounced "e-e-prom," "double-e prom,") stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory and is a type of non-volatile memory which used in TV,Computers and other electronic devices to store small amounts of data that must be saved when power is removed.EEPROM is a special type of PROM. EEPROM can be both erased and programmed with electrical pulses.Since it can be both electrically written into and electrically erased, the EEPROM can be rapidly programmed and erased in circuit for
Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulator(TL431/AP431 family)

Download ExpressPCB
The ExpressPCB schematic and PCB design software is very quick to learn and completely free! Download a fully functional version here. Download
DipTrace is an advanced PCB design software application that consists of 4 modules PCB Layout with efficient auto-router and auto-placer, schematic capture, component and pattern editors that allow you to design your own component libraries. DipTrace has a powerful automatic router, superior to many routers included in other PCB layout packages. It can route a single layer and multilayer circuit boards, and there is an option to auto route a single layer board with jumper wires, if required.
How to make a simple L.E.D cube
LED cube is very famous
because of its beauty. Here is the circuit diagram for very simple LED cube. In
this circuit we used 27 white LEDs. The 4020 IC is a
Simple 14 stage binary counter and we have used here 9 outputs. Each output
drives 3 white LEDs in series and we have omitted a dropper resistor as the
chip can
Three band active tone control with TL 082-N
TL 082-N Wide Bandwidth dual JFET input Operational Amplifier
This device is low cost, high speed, dual JFET input operational amplifier with an internally trimmed input offset voltage (BI-FET II™ technology). They require low supply current yet maintain a large gain bandwidth product and fast slew rate. In addition, well matched high voltage JFET input devices provide very low input
This simple circuit flashes a globe at a rate according to the value of the 180R and 2200u electrolytic capacitor.
The output current of all 3-terminal regulators can be increased by including a pass transistor. This transistor simply allows the current to flow through the collector-emitter leads. The output voltage is maintained by the 3-terminal regulator but the current flows through the "pass transistor." This transistor is a power transistor
This clever design uses 4 diodes in a bridge to produce a fixed voltage power supply capable of supplying 35mA. All diodes (every type of diode) are zener diodes. They all break down at a particular voltage. The fact is, a power diode breaks down at 100v or 400v and its zener characteristic is not useful. But if we put 2 zener diodes in a bridge with two ordinary power diodes, the bridge will break-down at the voltage of the zener. This is what we have done. If we use 18v zeners, the output will be 17v4. When the incoming
Flashing 230V Lights

The 15V dc supply is obtained from a nominal 230/24V center tapped ac transformer (T1) and a full wave rectifier (D5 & D6): Zener diode D4 was added to clamp the dc voltage to 15V maximum.
Triacs D7, D8 and D9 are insulated from the control circuitry by means of Optoisolators IC2, IC3 and IC4. IC1A, B and C are wired as monostables and cascaded in order to obtain a rotating sequence when the Mode switch SW1 is set in the Rotate position.
Programmable LED Flasher

Connecting D1 Anode as shown, the LED will start flashing at about two times per second after power-on and will revert to the steady state after 8 flashes. P1
Any diode-based circuit that protects against reversal of the supply polarity introduces a certain voltage drop.Also, when relatively high currents are involved, the choice of a suitable diode,and its dissipation, may become problematic.
This circuit utilized a relay contact to break the positive supply line when the input voltage has the wrong polarity. the coil voltage of the relay may be lower than the input voltage, because Re is activated within a fiw milliseconds, and then receives the correct coil voltage via T1-D1. Since
Difference between GBIC & SFP(mini gbic)
A gigabit interface converter (GBIC) is a standard for transceivers, commonly used with Gigabit Ethernet and fibre channel in the 1990s. By offering a standard, hot swappable electrical interface, one gigabit port can support a wide range of physical media, from copper to long-wave single-mode optical fiber, at lengths of hundreds of kilometers.The small form-factor pluggable (SFP Fiber Optic Transceiver) is a version of Mini-GBIC. It supports data rates up to 10 Gbit/s. The SFP Fiber
This universal video amplifier is intended as a buffer/repeater in a long coaxial cable to keep the signal at a reasonable level. Its gain is about 6 dB. The circuit is built from readily available components: some transistors and a few others. The circuit consists of a two-stage amplifier, T1 and T2, and an emitter follower that functions as impedance converter. The bandwidth at -3 dB is not less than 20 MHz. Current consumption at a supply voltage of 12 V amounts to
Even the best car alarm is useless if you forget to set it upon leaving your car, whence this circuit. The relay has a make and a break contact: the former is necessary to delay the switching in of the alarm after you have got out of your car, and the latter serves to switch on the car alarm proper. Immediately on re-entering your car, you must press the hidden switch, S1.This causes silicon-controlled rectifier Th1 to conduct so that the relay is energized. At the same time, the