
230V vs LED's

there are many way's to lite up the led's from 230V

Attention. This circuit works with life threatening line voltage.
yo u can change the capacitor value 
for 10mA use 150nF, for 20mA use 300nF.

Either the resistor or capacitor in series with the LED will work. The resistor will be cheaper, but wile runing resistor will be heat.

Use hi-brite or ultra-hi-brite LED, because a lower current is needed. 10 mA will be more than enough. The forward voltage of an LED is typically 2V depending on the color, but at 230V supply, this is irrelevant.
As mentioned above, use a 150N cap or 22K resistor (5W). You could probably get away with a 47K resistor or 68N cap if you use an ultra-hi-brite LED. Remember the cap's voltage ratings are usually DC, unless specified. Use 250V AC or 600V DC rating.

230V Blinking LED

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