TO Change video out mode: - when “no disc” press Set up key on the remote then right key two times and down key one times and right key one times again then press up key the times and press ok
TO Change video out mode: - when “no disc” press Set up key on the remote then right key two times and down key one times and right key one times again then press up key the times and press ok
mic free amp using 4558
• 2MHz unity gain bandwidth guaranteed
• Supply voltage ±22V for SE4558 and ±18V for NE4558
• Short-circuit protection
• No frequency compensation required
• No latch-up
• Large common-mode and differential voltage ranges
• Low power consumption
Stereo preamplifier using LM381
High gain - 112 dB open loop
Single supply operation
Wide supply range 9V-40V
Power supply rejection - 120 dB
Large output voltage swing (VCC - 2V)p-p
Wide bandwidth 15 MHz unity gain
Power bandwidth 75 kHz, 20 Vp-p
Internally compensated
Short circuit protected
Varicap Diode
varicap diodes are a particularly useful form of semiconductor diode. Finding uses in many applications where electronically controlled tuning of resonant circuits is required, for items such as oscillators and filters,
Zener diode

PCB Artist 1.3.1
Capacitors are used in circuits for many different purposes. They are common components of filters, oscillators, power supplies, amplifiers, etc.
The basic characteristic of a capacitor is its capacity - the higher the capacity, the higher is the amount of electricity it can hold. Capacity is measured in Farads (F). As one Farad represents fairly high capacity, smaller values such as microfarad (µF), nanofarad (nF) and picofarad (pF) are commonly used. As a reminder, relations between units are:

As with all ceramic capacitors, be careful bending the legs or spreading them apart to close to the disc body or they may get damaged.
Highly stable, good temperature coefficient, excellent for endurance because of their frequency characteristics, no large values, high voltage types available, can be expensive but worth the extra dimes.the dielectric material (mica) is inert. It does not change physically or chemically with age and it has good temperature stability. Very resistant to corona damage Silver mica capacitors have the above mentioned advantages. In addition, they have much reduced moisture infiltration.Higher cost
Most of them are color coded to easily recognize their tunable size. The ceramic type has the value printed on them.
Colors are: yellow (5pF), blue (7pF), white (10pF), green (30pF), brown (60pf).

the type of resistors....
Carbon composition
Carbon composition resistors consist of a solid cylindrical resistive element with embedded wire leads or metal end caps to which the lead wires are attached. The body of the resistor is protected with paint or plastic.the lead wires were wrapped around the ends of the resistance element rod and soldered. The completed resistor was painted for color coding of its value.
The resistive element is made from a mixture of finely ground (powdered) carbon and an insulating material (usually ceramic). A resin holds the mixture together. The resistance is determined by the ratio of the fill material (the powdered ceramic) to the carbon. Higher concentrations of carbon, a weak conductor, result in lower resistance.
*carbon composition resistors will change value when stressed with over-voltages*
They are still available, but comparatively quite costly. Values ranged from fractions of an ohm to 22 meg ohms.
Carbon film
A carbon film is deposited on an insulating substrate, and a helix cut in it to create a long, narrow resistive path. Varying shapes, coupled with the resistivity of carbon, (ranging from 90 to 400 nΩm) can provide a variety of resistances.Carbon film resistors feature a power rating range of 0.125 W to 5 W at 70 °C. Resistances available range from 1 ohm to 10 megohm. The carbon film resistor can operate between temperatures of -55 °C to 155 °C. It has 200 to 600 volts maximum working voltage range.
Thick and thin film
Most SMD (surface mount device) resistors today are of this type. The principal difference between thin film and thick film resistors is not the actual thickness of the film, but rather how the film is applied to the cylinder (axial resistors) or the surface (SMD resistors).
Thin film resistors are made by sputtering (a method of vacuum deposition) the resistive material onto an insulating substrate. The film is then etched in a similar manner to the old (subtractive) process for making printed circuit boards; that is, the surface is coated with a photo-sensitive material, then covered by a pattern film, irradiated with ultraviolet light, and then the exposed photo-sensitive coating is developed, and underlying thin film is etched away.
Because the time during which the sputtering is performed can be controlled, the thickness of the thin film can be accurately controlled. The type of material is also usually different consisting of one or more ceramic (cermet) conductors such as tantalum nitride (TaN), ruthenium dioxide (RuO2), lead oxide (PbO), bismuth ruthenate (Bi2Ru2O7), nickel chromium (NiCr), and/or bismuth iridate (Bi2Ir2O7).
The resistance of both thin and thick film resistors after manufacture is not highly accurate; they are usually trimmed to an accurate value by abrasive or laser trimming. Thin film resistors are usually specified with tolerances of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, or 1%, and with temperature coefficients of 5 to 25 ppm/K.
Thick film resistors may use the same conductive ceramics, but they are mixed with sintered (powdered) glass and some kind of liquid so that the composite can be screen-printed. This composite of glass and conductive ceramic (cermet) material is then fused (baked) in an oven at about 850 °C.
Thick film resistors, when first manufactured, had tolerances of 5%, but standard tolerances have improved to 2% or 1% in the last few decades. Temperature coefficients of thick film resistors are high, typically ±200 or ±250 ppm/K; a 40 kelvin (70 °F) temperature change can change the resistance by 1%.
Thin film resistors are usually far more expensive than thick film resistors. For example, SMD thin film resistors, with 0.5% tolerances, and with 25 ppm/K temperature coefficients, when bought in full size reel quantities, are about twice the cost of 1%, 250 ppm/K thick film resistors.
Metal film
Metal film resistors are usually coated with nickel chromium (NiCr), but might be coated with any of the cermet materials listed above for thin film resistors. Unlike thin film resistors, the material may be applied using different techniques than sputtering (though that is one such technique). Also, unlike thin-film resistors, the resistance value is determined by cutting a helix through the coating rather than by etching. (This is similar to the way carbon resistors are made.) The result is a reasonable tolerance (0.5, 1, or 2%) and a temperature coefficient of (usually) 25 or 50 ppm/K.
Wire wound
Wire wound resistors are commonly made by winding a metal wire, usually nichrome, around a ceramic, plastic, or fiberglass core. The ends of the wire are soldered or welded to two caps or rings, attached to the ends of the core. The assembly is protected with a layer of paint, molded plastic, or an enamel coating baked at high temperature. Wire leads in low power wire wound resistors are usually between 0.6 and 0.8 mm in diameter and tinned for ease of soldering. For higher power wire wound resistors, either a ceramic outer case or an aluminum outer case on top of an insulating layer is used. The aluminum-cased types are designed to be attached to a heat sink to dissipate the heat; the rated power is dependent on being used with a suitable heat sink, e.g., a 50 W power rated resistor will overheat at a fraction of the power dissipation if not used with a heat sink. Large wire wound resistors may be rated for 1,000 watts or more.
Because wire wound resistors are coils they have more undesirable inductance than other types of resistor, although winding the wire in sections with alternately reversed direction can minimize inductance.
Foil resistor
The primary resistance element of a foil resistor is a special alloy foil several micrometres thick. Since their introduction in the 1960s, foil resistors have had the best precision and stability of any resistor available. One of the important parameters influencing stability is the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR). The TCR of foil resistors is extremely low, and has been further improved over the years. One range of ultra-precision foil resistors offers a TCR of 0.14 ppm/°C, tolerance ±0.005%, long-term stability (1 year) 25 ppm, (3 year) 50 ppm (further improved 5-fold by hermetic sealing), stability under load (2000 hours) 0.03%, thermal EMF 0.1 μV/°C, noise -42 dB, voltage coefficient 0.1 ppm/V, inductance 0.08 μH, capacitance 0.5 pF
Ammeter shunts
An ammeter shunt is a special type of current-sensing resistor, having four terminals and a value in milliohms or even micro-ohms. Current-measuring instruments, by themselves, can usually accept only limited currents. To measure high currents, the current passes through the shunt, where the voltage drop is measured and interpreted as current. A typical shunt consists of two solid metal blocks, sometimes brass, mounted on to an insulating base. Between the blocks, and soldered or brazed to them, are one or more strips of low temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) manganin alloy. Large bolts threaded into the blocks make the current connections, while much-smaller screws provide voltage connections. Shunts are rated by full-scale current, and often have a voltage drop of 50 mV at rated current.
Grid resistor
In heavy-duty industrial high-current applications, a grid resistor is a large convection-cooled lattice of stamped metal alloy strips connected in rows between two electrodes. Such industrial grade resistors can be as large as a refrigerator; some designs can handle over 500 amperes of current, with a range of resistances extending lower than 0.04 ohms. They are used in applications such as dynamic braking and load banking for locomotives and trams, neutral grounding for industrial AC distribution, control loads for cranes and heavy equipment, load testing of generators and harmonic filtering for electric substations
Hire is the symbol,

Color Code for Resistors.
Electronics Workbench Multisim (Education Version)
Electronic Design Studio
A Digital Circuit Simulator
Circuit Shop 2.06
Circuit Shop is a graphical CAD tool to allow simple digital and analog electronic circuits to be constructed and analyzed. It includes: Drawing tools to construct simple electronic circuit schematics consisting of digital and analog devices such as logic gates, flip-flops, op amps, dependent sources, ICs and transistors. Version 2.06 features updated help, improved drawing behaviour, and a library of audio visual component custom symbols.
CircuitMaker Student Edition
CircuitMaker Student Edition is a free download, although it is no longer supported by the original developer. It still works fine under Windows XP.
This new Student Version of CircuitMaker will be a great asset to those studying electronics, engineering, physics and even math, because it gives students access to industry-level circuit design and simulation for free,? said Russell Arnold, director of sales and marketing at MicroCode. ?Using CircuitMaker, students can design electronic circuits, then test and troubleshoot them right on the computer. There are no expensive parts or equipment to buy, and they can make changes to their circuits and see the results instantly.
The CircuitMaker software provides a ?Virtual Electronics Lab?? where users can freely experiment with electronic circuits and learn how to create working electronic devices. Users can design basic to advanced circuits, like those used in radios, TVs and computers. The software provides a comprehensive library of devices to choose from, and has various ?virtual instruments? like oscilloscopes and multimeters that allow users to measure, test and troubleshoot the circuits they create

Full-wave rectifier circuit
(Center-tap design)

This circuit's operation is easily understood one half-cycle at a time. Consider the first half-cycle, when the source voltage polarity is positive (+) on top and negative (-) on bottom. At this time, only the top diode is conducting; the bottom diode is blocking current, and the load "sees" the first half of the sine wave, positive on top and negative on bottom. Only the top half of the transformer's secondary winding carries current during this half-cycle,
During the next half-cycle, the AC polarity reverses. Now, the other diode and the other half of the transformer's secondary winding carry current while the portions of the circuit formerly carrying current during the last half-cycle sit idle. The load still "sees" half of a sine wave, of the same polarity as before: positive on top and negative on bottom:
Full-wave rectifier circuit
(Bridge design)
Current directions in the full-wave bridge rectifier circuit are as follows for each half-cycle of the
AC waveform
Semiconductor diode

When placed in a simple battery-lamp circuit, the diode will either allow or prevent current through the lamp, depending on the polarity of the applied voltag

When the polarity of the battery is such that electrons are allowed to flow through the diode, the diode is said to be forward-biased. Conversely, when the battery is "backward" and the diode blocks current, the diode is said to be reverse-biased. A diode may be thought of as a kind of switch: "closed" when forward-biased and "open" when reverse-biased.

Diodes with PIV ratings in the many thousands of volts are available for modest prices.
A diode is an electrical component acting as a one-way valve for current.
When voltage is applied across a diode in such a way that the diode allows current, the diode is said to be forward-biased.
When voltage is applied across a diode in such a way that the diode prohibits current, the diode is said to be reverse-biased.
The voltage dropped across a conducting, forward-biased diode is called the forward voltage.
Forward voltage for a diode varies only slightly for changes in forward current and temperature, and is fixed principally by the chemical composition of the P-N junction.
Silicon diodes have a forward voltage of approximately 0.7 volts.
Germanium diodes have a forward voltage of approximately 0.3 volts.
The maximum reverse-bias voltage that a diode can withstand without "breaking down" is called the Peak Inverse Voltage, or PIV rating.